Growing up, we often made our own Halloween costumes, or upcycled things from our dress up box. It was always fun to see what we could come up with.
I reused my ballet leotard, added a tiara and wings to be some kind of fairy. Another year, I added a cat mask to the same leotard outfit and was a ballet cat. Brad found some old clothes of my dad's to be a cowboy. The Belle dress was probably my best Halloween costume ever. My mom had an old bridesmaids' dress that we gathered up to look more like Belle's dress. Most of Brad's doctor outfit was mom's old nursing gear.
These jelly belly costumes were pretty amazing. We had huge trash bags full of multi colored balloons and head pieces to complete the look!
The tradition carried on in college, making up fun costumes! Cassie and I had a fun Ninja Turtles costume while we were in Italy made out of things we found around the villa. I borrowed a white belt from someone, and used yellow fabric wrapped around me to make an April O'Neil jumpsuit. Here's the best picture we have of it.
As soon as we had Mack, I knew I wanted to do a family costume for as long as he would allow. We started off our first family Halloween with Mack as a dinosaur and Nathan and me as paleontologists.
Our second family Halloween theme was Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
Nathan was Mr. Rogers, the inspiration for the show. Mack was Daniel Tiger, of course, and I was Mom tiger. I sewed Mack's entire costume because the show was brand new at the time. I did buy the red hoodie but added the tiger hood and tail to it. The mom tiger outfit was created by creating a stencil and using it on a white scrub top. I sewed the tail to it and made some ears for the headband.
I would say this is one of my more accurate costumes. Even down to the purple flats.

Our last Halloween as just the 3 of us, I was pregnant with Paul and we went as Curious George, The Man in the Yellow Hat, and Professor Wiseman.
I ordered Mack's Curious George costume.
I made Nathan's yellow hat and he ended up winning a costume contest at work! I found a yellow tie and added black vinyl stickers I made on the cricut machine.
Paul was our little peanut when he was born, so it just made sense that he would be a perfect little football for Halloween. Mack loved his Tennessee Vols uniform, so Nathan and I joined in as a coach and a referee.
My dad holding Paul like a football
Me pretending I'm a blind ref who needs a different glasses prescription.
Mack looking tough in his football gear.
Cutie patooties
Nathan's giant headphones completed the coach look.
Paul's 2nd Halloween was super cute. Mack wanted to be a knight and we found his costume before anyone else's.
We joined in as a prince and princess and a baby dragon. It was actually my birthday at trunk or treat, so I told everyone I was a birthday princess and they all stopped to sing to me.
Paul hated the dragon hat that came with it but it was still adorable without it.
2017 was pretty fun. We went as aliens and astronauts.
Nathan's shirt read: "This is my human costume, I'm really an alien." This completely backfired since he continues to wear the shirt all the time!
Ready for blast off!
In 2018, we were police officers and robbers. Our foster son joined in on the fun, too.
They looked pretty tough!
In 2019, we were Princess Peach, Bowser, Mario and Luigi.
I made my princess peach costume from a dress that I gathered up and then wore a skirt underneath it. I made the necklace and earrings from gems I ordered online.
Cute little Mario and Luigi fighting off Bowser!

Bowser even had sharp bracelets!
2020 has been quite a year! With the uncertainty of whether or not we would have trick or treating or trunk or treat at church, we didn't go all out. We said, "Go find a costume in the playroom!" So, the boys decided they wanted to be Marvel characters-Thor and Iron Man.
Paul didn't have his Thor helmet at Trunk or Treat, but I will post an update with it tomorrow when he Trick or Treats.
Happy Halloween!
Update with Paul's Thor helmet:
2021 Family Theme: Ninja Turtles! I was April O'Neil and Nathan was Shredder from the original TMNT. Paul was Raphael and Mack was Casey Jones from the 2012 Ninja Turtles.