Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Don't you mean "Domestic"?

Don't you mean "Domestic"?

No.  I've never felt like I was a domestic woman.  Cooking, laundry, and cleaning just didn't come easy for me.  And it wasn't a big deal because I worked full time as a nurse and we could eat out and hire a maid if we had really wanted to.  We traveled, spent money on things we didn't need, and we had lots of fun, but I didn't cook or clean, or do laundry very often.  We even started a small business because we had lots of extra time on our hands.

Then one day...we had a baby, about 6 months ago.  Both my husband and I had stay-at-home moms when we were little, so we wanted that for our baby too.  Here's the thing though:  I spent 5 years of my life earning 2 degrees and took the N-CLEX just to work as an R.N. for 3.5 years?  We are still paying back loans for school and I'd like to keep my skills up.  So, I decided to go back to work at least one 12 hr. shift per week, sometimes 2 shifts/week.  My mom or my mother-in-law keep the baby while I'm at work, and he loves it, so everyone is happy.

Here comes the domesticated part:

Suddenly, I find that I am a stay-at-home mom (mostly) but I'm not domestic!  I know, right?  So these posts will be mostly about how I am learning to cook, clean, do laundry, sew, raise a child, decorate our house (did I mention we moved into a new home the day before we found out I was pregnant?), and be a nurse 12-24 hrs. per week.  Hopefully one day this wild animal will be so domesticated that she appears to be naturally domestic

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