Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Minivan's Half Full

I found out I was pregnant just a few weeks after buying our new (to us) minivan. I teased my husband that now that we bought a van, we had to fill it up! Just a few weeks before we were due to fill up that van, we took a trip in it to the hospital to deliver a baby that had already passed away. Now, I look in my rear view mirror and see a chair without a carseat.

One of my friends from college wrote a blog after one of her twins passed away called the "Bassinet's Half Full." It was beautifully written from a mother who is trying to be excited for the life of her living twin and being a new mom while also mourning the death of her other daughter. You can read it here:

Unfortunately, I now find myself in a very similar situation. Our baby boy was stillborn in mid-September, and I have an 18 month old son who still needs me to be his Mama. We had so many hopes and dreams for our baby son and looked forward to being with him on this earth. But now we can only look forward to being with him in Heaven one day.

We have so much to be thankful for. We had 34 weeks with our precious baby boy and I really do praise God for choosing me to carry him. We also have a healthy and active "big boy" who is always busy getting into things. We are blessed so much by his presence in our lives.

So now, 2 months after the death of my son, I am taking a cue from my friend, and choosing to look in the rear view mirror to see that our minivan is not half empty, it is half full.

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