Yes, it's true! This is from our first ultrasound, right around 6 weeks gestation. Baby #4 is due on Mack's 3rd birthday!
Mack is once again a big brother, but he has no idea, so please don't tell him. I think we're going to do it "Daniel Tiger" style and tell him the week before the baby is supposed to get here. For a kid, a month is like 5 years and waiting is hard. He has said a few times over the last week that he wants a baby and I keep telling him, "Maybe for your birthday. We'll see."
God allowed me to get pregnant again and for that I am extremely thankful. God allowed us to hear the baby's heartbeat four times. God allowed me to make it to 11 weeks, over 25% there! That's amazing. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time and trying to be thankful for each day that I continue being pregnant. I'm praying for a rainbow after our storm. Please pray with us!
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