Thursday, December 20, 2012


Old houses have lots of great things about them:
-Usually have hardwood hidden beneath ugly carpet
-Plaster walls that make you feel like a bomb could go off on our house and you would be fine
-cool architectural features

Here are some things I don't like about older homes:
-lack of storage
-small master bedrooms
-small bathrooms
-lack of central air (my husband added this to our house as soon as he moved in)

There wasn't anything we could do about the size of our master bedroom, but we could change how much furniture we had and the placement of the furniture.  Here is how the room looked when my husband was a bachelor:

I made him these curtains to block out the light from fabric I got in Tanzania.  The chest of drawers made it feel very crammed and there was only room for a double bed.  (Fine for 1 guy, but not big enough for both of us when we got married!)  A queen sized mattress was one of our first major purchases as a couple.

Here is how the room looked when we sold our house:

 It's amazing what paint, new windows, and new lighting can do! 

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